Houston Metroplex Hosts Golf Tournament
HOUSTON: The Association of the United States Army (AUSA), Houston Metroplex Chapter, is pleased to extend this invitation to participate in the AUSA “Golf Fund Raiser for the Troops”, scheduled for Wednesday, 19 November, at the Wildcat Golf Club, 1200 Almeda Road, Houston, TX. AUSA respectfully requests your support as a sponsor for this event. Registration begins at 11:00 am with a shot gun start beginning at 1:00 pm. All proceeds will benefit veteran, retiree, active duty, reserve and National Guard service programs, both locally and at the national level.

This year’s event will be an entertaining day of golf accompanied by an excellent opportunity to network with other agencies and individuals who are committed to the support of our military heroes, past and present.
Your sponsorship is respectfully requested. Won’t you join with us in this worthwhile and rewarding endeavor? For further information, please contact the event Coordinator Willie Johnston, at 281-394-7302, jwjohn@swbell.netor alternative contacts Co-Chair Liza Garza at 713-828-1014, Lizagarzarealestate@yahoo.comand Chairman Joe Mata, at 713-584-3454 jmata@hometrust.com. To download the sponsoship package click on "Sponsorship Level Flyer."